特殊的動詞   forgetrememberregretstop 


文法  forgetrememberregretstop + 不定詞或動名詞 


forgetrememberregretstop + 不定詞或動名詞,其句子的意思是不一樣蒂。現在用下列例句說明:。


[ Forget ]

1-1)   I forgot to give you a call.  我忘記打電話給你  (沒有打電話)

1-2)   I forgot giving you a call.  我忘記我已經打電話給你  (忘了打過電話了)

2-1)   She forgot to invite Bill to come to her birthday party.


2-2)   She forgot inviting Bill to come to her birthday party. (忘記已經邀請Bill)


[ Remember ]

1-1)   I remembered to give you a call.  記得要打電話給你  (還沒有打電話)

1-2)   I remembered giving you a call.  記得我已經打電話給你 (已打過電話了)

2-1)   Mom remembered to give me petty cash this week.

         媽媽記得要給我零用錢  (還沒有給零用錢)

2-2)   Mom remembered giving me petty cash this week.

         媽媽記得已經給我零用錢  (已經給零用錢了)


[ Regret ]

1-1)   Our teacher regretted to tell him that he failed the exam.

         老師後悔要告訴他,他沒有通過考試。  (還沒有告訴他)

1-2)   Our teacher regretted telling him that he failed the exam.

         老師後悔已經告訴他,他沒有通過考試。  (已經告訴他了)

2-1)   His parents regretted to give him money to buy an apartment.

         後悔要給他錢  (還沒有給他錢)

2-1)   His parents regretted giving him money to buy an apartment.

         後悔已經給他錢  (已經給他錢了)


[ Stop ]

1-1)   He stops to smoke.  他停下來抽煙。

1-2)   He stops smoking.  他停止抽煙。 (之前抽煙,現在沒抽煙)

2-1)   I stop to run.  我停下來,用跑的。

2-2)   I stop running.  我停止跑步。 (之前用跑的,現在停下,不跑了)

    創作者 小惡魔的媽咪 的頭像


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